Thursday, December 11, 2008

MCA MTB Race Schedule

Efforts are underway to arrange a date to plan and set the 2009 MCA MTB schedule, as soon as that date is set we'll contact all the clubs so they can send reps to the meeting; look for both an email and new post in this blog.

In the next few days I will send out a draft of an application (read: information) sheet for committee members to discuss. The purpose of the intended application is to gather pertinent information from race organizers about the race they wish to run and to give MCA members and the MCA helpful information about each race. In conjuction with this application I would also like to rework the MTB race organizer's checklist and timelines and include it with the application/informtaion form to make sure that all races are run according to the guidelines set out by this committee and the MCA.

1 comment:

Kevin B said...

hal, have you sent out the draft of the application for race events? as well you mention reworking the checklist / organizers manual?

just curious. thanks.